Tuesday, 10 July 2007

NEWS FLASH: Marquita DOES have a brain!

A very challenging University year has made this poor blogger doubt the existence of her brain. Luckily, at the point when it was almost made certain that her cerebrum was as good as that of a vegetable, she bumped into a simple quiz on the Internet that looked very reliable and capable of restoring all hope lost. This quiz, taken when bored with nothing better to do, revealed that Marquita does have a brain...which happens to be orange i.e. her favourite colour. :) (Just thought of posting a little something which I happened to find interesting).

Your Brain is Orange

Of all the brain types, yours is the quickest.

You are usually thinking a mile a minute, and you could be thinking about anything at all.

Your thoughts are often scattered and random - but they're also a lot of fun!

You tend to spend a lot of time thinking about esoteric subjects, the meaning of life, and pop culture.


Anonymous said...

Your blog is very interesting!
Please, send me the photo of your pc desk and the link of your blog.
I'll publish on my blog!.
Thanks Frank
EMAIL: pcdesktop1@gmail.com

LG said...

Hi marquita!
w/ the orange brain :P I think I'll try the test tomorrow when i get fed up deleting records in a humangous database here at work..... I'll keep you updated.... I actually think there is quite a similarity with the brain described and yours....

LG said...

I'm purple! (and lu is blue.. well she was purple at first but it's bad enough we're twins.. i didn't want her to have teh same brain too did i ;) )
oh btw thsi is me:

'' Of all the brain types, yours is the most idealistic.
You tend to think wild, amazing thoughts. Your dreams and fantasies are intense.
Your thoughts are creative, inventive, and without boundaries.

You tend to spend a lot of time thinking of fictional people and places - or a very different life for yourself ''

I think that's pretty true ...

see ya around
ps: results finally arrived :)

Anonymous said...

mar u and i have d same brain:):):) im orange :):)

marie claire

Unknown said...

Mar I thought I wasn't an idealist....you thought I wasn't an idealist...well..we were both wrong lol! I've a purple brain!!
Well at least purple and orange go well side by side!!
nice blog!