Tuesday, 1 April 2008

Writer's Strike!

“Medicine is my lawful wife and literature my mistress; when I get tired of one, I spend the night with the other” Anton Chekhov

After a book, a Murmur article, MMSA T-shirt slogan and a Feb/March issue of Youth Ink, it's back to spending more quality time with my "lawful wife".

The thing is, getting out of this adulterous relationship with writing is going to prove a little bit difficult for two reasons:
  • Behavioural Science: I've this year's Behavioural Science Weekend coming up this week, which can only mean spending what would be left of Saturday and Sunday writing my process notes; describing how the sessions with our psychologist have geared us towards becoming 'finer' doctors with one one more dab of sunshine happiness. Next Thursday, it's off to the Alexandria at PV. The boredom ends Saturday afternoon.
  • Family Medicine Assignment: This assignment is the next best thing to constipation. It has this remarkable capacity to induce writer's block even in the most talented of individulas, with hard, dry, difficult and infrequent production of sentences. Hope I'll manage to find a good laxative by 30th April!
Hence, although my assigments are very medicine related, I can't really spend time with the real love of my life... And all because of a load of bollocks.


Anonymous said...

While whole heartedly agreeing with you about the futility of behavioural sciences (as taught in our course) with its associated waste-of-time writing, may I suggest that we use our collective power to change this once and for all. MMSA for all their hard work have not been able to make a difference. The power to change this is in each of our hands. Let's give honest feedback to our tutors and the coordinator (Dr. Cassar).

Pawlu said...

Every year each class gives the feedback to the tutors, Dr. Cassar and Ms. Sullivan. Truth be told, the seminars have come a long way from what they used to be, and the best bits are arguably in the tutorials, not the seminars, at least from my experience.

There's plenty to improve, but it can't just happen overnight. That being said, there's always the need for contstructive criticism and change.

There's a curriculum meeting and faculty board meeting coming up soon. If people have any good and valid proposals, I'll be happy to table them.
