Monday, 25 May 2009

Tomorrow's Doctors...

Our University class Yahoo Group has always been quite a hub of communication all year. All was done in an endeavour to keep ourselves updated with everything going on at medical school, from lectures to other leisure activities. But lately, the emails (in red) that are being sent are so shameful, that I thought they deserve a little mention. As implied in the previous sentence, some people know no shame whatsoever. (But repetition is justified, you know, for the sake of emphasis) It is during this crucial time of the year were people are asking questions regarding issues that have been dealt with many months before such as...

"I was wondering why the viva [oral exam] for pathology is held a day before paediatrics exam. Can you check with secretary whether this thing can be changed? [OMG! You've never had two exams in succession before?] i have heard from previous years that people end up failing their paeds exam or do badly. would a day or 2 make a difference for them? after all a viva in pathology never helped anyone but people still have to go and thus waste a day or 2 before paeds exam."

And whilst they're at it, these same people are, naturally, asking for the pharmacology past papers...

"Can anyone kindly tell me what past papers are available for pharmacology as last time i checked at papier i found only 3. (btw i checked a week ago)"

And... wait for it...

"Wasn't there supposed to be a full set of past papers?"

Kindly note that past papers have been put in the stationer's for everyone to photocopy ages ago by our class representatives. (Yes... We are so childish in our ways that we actually need the "prefect system" that one only finds in secondary schools in order to ensure that things are working in some order.)

And they are also asking for notes too, as though our class reps haven't done a good enough job to collect and distribute all notes available throughout the year. Naturally, these people would have found it pointless coming to the lecture since the PowerPoint used is, in 99.9% of cases, found in the Yahoo Group ready for everyone to download... And emails such as follows naturally ensue...

"Hi, does anyone have the notes from Dr. N. Spiteri about vaccines please? Thanks"

And someone rightly replied...

"sa fejn naf jien [as far as I'm concerned] we don't have any notes of Dr. N Spiteri, she had written them out on the white board"

Another bright mind sends an email on the same thread...

"Anyone typed them out and can send them on the server?" [:O]

Needless to say, no one really bothered posting anything on the server. And so, people continued their panick sequence with regards to the pharmacology that most medical students never touch until the last two weeks of the year...

"hi, [Yeah, hello there] does anyone have notes for gynae pharm pls? thanks"

"And what about ophthalmic pharmacology? Are there any notes? If not, can anyone kindly list very briefly what was discussed?" [You have got to be kidding me!!!!]

[And here come the email that bursts the bubble...] "Gynae and Obs notes werent given because of poor attendence + lecturer dispute with university."

The prompt reply?

"*******... [like lecturers are expected to give us notes!] [But... the persistence of some people never ceases to amaze me...] and what about ophthalmology?"

Now, I'm a very reasonable individual. There is no harm is asking the odd query here and there. But... To all those people who expect to be spoon fed, all so that they can stay studying comfortably at home whilst the rest of their colleagues go to lectures and ward rounds as asked of them... We are forth year medical students, who will hopefully manage to become doctors in around 12 months time... Supposedly respectable and responsible citizens of society, as our duties, after all, require us to be. So, next time, instead of resting on the Yahoo Group, come to lectures and do your job as a student properly. You are free to decide otherwise and just do your own thing, in which case, when notes are missing, stop sending the class mail and go sod off!

On a more sober note, the real doctors of tomorrow (i.e. the 5th years) are just a few minutes away from sitting their first written exam (at 9am and at 3pm). I'm sure that any prayers at this stage will be greatly appreciated. :)


Anonymous said...

Very well said Marquita!!!

LG said...

oh, very amusing.

Anonymous said...

And the people said.... Amen... very true... when I don't go to lectures (to spend time studying) I never ask for notes because whether I attend or not is my responsibility... and mine alone... so I will look for it in the books or the web or the journals... after all the lecturer must have gotten his knowledge from somewhere (I hope), but not fair to skive and ask for other ppl's notes... as for real doctors of tomorrow... we'll wait and see time will tell and prove what sort of doctors we'll make... hopefully good, decent and responsible ones... and thanks for the prayers... they are reciprocated for the 4ths... especially for you :-)

In the words of John XXIII:

Consult not your fears but your hopes and your dreams. Think not about
your frustrations, but about your potential.