Tuesday, 11 December 2007

"Open Sesame"

A surprising number of people have asked me to update this blog of mine. And so I will, by explaining why I haven't updated for so long. Well, I happened to be working on a little newsletter of my own for the community I form part of (read the "If you Dare" post just to refresh your memories). I christened this newsletter Youth Ink and it basically aims to build the church using Microsoft Word. Somehow, I sense that it's going to pick up rather nicely, even though I might not be using the best of building blocks. It so happens that "Microsoft sucks" appears 14.77 times more than "Apple sucks" using the AltaVista search engine...just for your info (all according to this simple survey here done by people with nothing to do).

It's been almost a month since we've moved to Mater Dei. I won't be going into my experience as a medical student over there. There's my behavioural science assignment for that. All I can say is that, during that month, we students were experiencing some degree of difficulty getting into the wards and theatres. Members of staff were only able to gain access via a programmable card which we did not have and, somehow, some nurses and the security people weren't able to understand that 0.25 of our education is done during wards rounds (with 0.05 done at lectures and the rest being up to you to so your homework at home). Please note also that our practical skills are going to be assessed at the end of this year (i.e. third year) and we're expected by our tutors to roll up our sleeves and start practising.

But, kudos to MMSA and any others involved, we finally managed to get access to wards (we found the magic words..."Open Sesame"). We tested our "staff cards" today and they work practically everywhere. Now, all we have to do is pick a colour that we fancy (red, green, yellow, brown or blue) and get down to some decent history taking I guess...

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