Monday, 3 March 2008

How Could I Have Forgotten?!

I just realised now that my blog turned one year old on 28th February i.e. 4 days ago. So...

Happy Belated Birthday Oh Bloggie of Mine!!
I must admit...shame on me to have neglected this blog in this way. But, without sounding too presumptuous, I guess it happens when you would have 'bigger fish to fry'. Lately I've been really busy with things. Ten days before the Y4J Lenten sermons, I had to sort out what computer freaks would call "an interrupt". I was working on editing my first booklet Ending the Search Beginning the Quest, which took the best of seven days to do. The producers and I really went out of our way to try get it printed by Wednesday 27th of last month; all so that Y4J would get down to distributing it (for free) at one of their most hallmark activities. We managed to have everything ready on Monday 25th, specifically at 11:40 AM. Thing is, we didn’t manage to get it printed on time, reason being…
No big heads? No big bucks? Then, no big priority!
That is, because of work related to the elections, our work had to be shunned to the side for a while (even though we were promised otherwise). I guess printing presses also have their own bigger catch of fish to fry :( Oh well, a bit more waiting won’t hurt anyone I suppose. Should be ready by approx. 14th March.

In the meantime, here's a little teaser which I'm currently using as a desktop wallpaper. It was designed by Romina Tolu, who deserves a very special thank you for giving her 200% in effort to get things done on time (even if it meant spending less time with her twin sister who came back home from Italy for just two days. In case you're reading this Mina, thanks loads and I'm very, very sorry things turned out the way they did). More on how the book came to be in future posts...


LG said...

that's OK - I'm still very proud of the cover...
can't wait till it's actually in my hands..

Marquita said...

I can't wait either! I will scream so hard the whole world will know about it...

Anonymous said...

I am so bored and i decided to peep through your urban jungle halli nikkonsla! :)...*still depressed*
Your GOOD sister...

*im assuming you are not retarted so I don't have to state my name* 0:)