Friday, 16 March 2007

Peter: The Face of Failure

On Wednesday, I had lectures at Medical School at St. Luke's. What better time to have a tiny heart-to-heart with Joelle? She impressively managed to give me a few minutes of her time just moments after I messaged her (she had duty on that day i.e. a long shift last for approx. 36-48 hours). The thing is, new feelings of failure keep cropping up from time to time i.e. I need to be scheduled for open heart surgery again.

Keeping with the general theme of that day, we discussed Peter as representing us all in our moments of failure. Stephan acted out the part of Peter in the Y4J News interview really well. I saw some real good (unexpected) talent which could be explained by either of the following possibilities:
1) He's a brilliant actor
2) He's been in Peter's shoes many times before
3) Both of the above

In any case, he deserves a real big well done for delivering so well. Fr. Ray also gave a good talk, which I found particularly encouraging, and Sam is getting better and better at animating meetings together with the rest of the band.

Hence, generally, Wednesday was a reminder that hard work does pay off some time or another, despite our failures and mishaps.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ok, so i FINALLY dropped by to post a comment ... very impressive blog thingy, keep it up, especially considering all the work u have to do for Uni and stuff.

keep writing, ur getting quite a few fans out there :P =)

Franny xx