Saturday 17 March 2007

The Thief: The Face of Forgiveness

Thursday brought with it "my first harvest" long essay is hard bound and ready to be handed in! All I have left is Behavioural Science assignments were we have to stay writing about our feelings. It's not enough going to the Halland Hotel for three days talking about your feelings and trying to associate your mood with particular colours. You have to write everything down and stay processing everything in three 1, 000 word essays to see whether you managed to show significant personality improvements during those three days. You obviously all know how I'm going to write those 1, 000 words: 5% decency and 95% crap. Amazingly enough, that is how you do well in behavioural assignments.

Despite all the nonsense I still have left to do, I went to the forth session of Let's Face It!. Thursday sessions are usually dedicated to encouraging people to go to confession. In fact, we even provide priests for confession. So...what better face to discuss than the face of the "good" thief? (Quite paradoxical isn't it? I can a thief be 'good'?) This created a tiny problem when featuring our usual interviews - you cannot interview a thief dying on a cross can you? So, we just imagined that this guy had Robert Rizzo as a kid brother that witnessed everything at the foot of the cross.
Fortunately, Fr. Ray's talk was pretty short! Not because it was boring but because we had long ques for confession. Ushering all those youths was quite a headache that made me land on my bed stoned when I got home. But I won't complain. After all, we were just getting exactly what we prayed for!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

cool blog,keep it up even when no one comments :)

anonymous commenter ;)